Issue Position: Social Justice

Issue Position

During a recent event, the topic of "social justice" came up: When most people think of social justice issues, it usually has to do with government benefits for the poor. Liberals like to feel good about themselves by being generous with other people's money. Many feel that it is the "Christian" thing to do. As stated above, any federal benefits would be in violation of the 10th Amendment. Government sponsored redistribution of wealth is akin to sticking a gun to the head of a taxpayer, taking his money, and then handing it over to somebody else. I fail to see the Christianity in that. However, the Marxist philosophy is very clear. In my opinion, responsible social justice is when we as individuals and families voluntarily decide to generously contribute time, talent, and treasure to non-profit organizations such as churches, the United Way or a myriad of other worthwhile community organizations or simply act independently. The hierarchy for people reaching out for help should be as follows: 1) Themselves; 2) Their families; 3) Their churches 4) Community organizations; 5) Local government; and 6) State government. Ideally, the federal government should never be involved. (See the 10th Amendment). And local and state government should only be involved in a limited way (if at all).
